Canal de las Estrellas – Parodiado coming up



  • PRÓXIMAMENTE, un reality show que te dejará impactado.
  • Se busca al mejor imitador de México y el ganador se llevará 1 millón de pesos.
  • Angélica Vale, gran imitadora mexicana y Pierre Angelo, comediante e imitador reconocido, conducirán este evento junto con Héctor Sandarti.

    Parodiando coming soon Televisa




“La Fuerza del Destino” se encargará de poner cada cosa en su lugar y a cada quien con su cada cual, pues será Lucía aquella niñita simpática y hoy una mujer hermosa y valiente, quien lo ayudará a encontrar a su hijo, recuperar su dignidad y superar con entereza todos los obstáculos.


Juntos, Iván y Lucía descubrirán el valor de la lealtad, de la honestidad y de la verdad y encontrarán el amor gracias a “La Fuerza del Destino”.


Digital Plus Verses Sky prices

My supplier for the Spanish Digital Plus service, can supply the viewing cards to receive this service , with all the popular Spanish mainland channels TVE1 TVE2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco, La Sexta……..

The card is purchased with CAM, enabling it to be used in my satellite receivers and initially the card is valid for 18 months. At 1089 Euro it represents quite good value. Compared with the Sky Uk package @ £52/month plus receiver @ £50 which is £629/year, Digital Plus Card works out at 726 Euro ( £629/year )

Novembers TeleHit Awards ( Televisa )


  • Telehit trae lo mejor del año en una sola noche de fiesta que reúne a intérpretes, seguidores y conductores del canal.

  • Juanes, Belinda, Moenia, Camila, Pitbull son algunos de los artistas invitados a los premios Telehit 2010

El próximo 18 de noviembre del 2010, la tercera edición del Premio Telehit reunirá en el hermoso puerto de Acapulco, donde una vez más se reunirán los más destacados intérpretes de la música nacional e internacional, en un evento que será transmitido en vivo a más de 40 países

Juanes, Belinda, Moenia, Camila, Pitbull, Train, Panda y Motel, entre otros, inundarán el escenario de esta premiación con sus temas más sonados que los han colocado en la preferencia del público.

Guillermo del Bosque, productor ejecutivo del evento, explicó que está celebración “se ha convertido en un ícono de la industria musical, donde logramos reunir en un magno evento a los intérpretes más representativos del año para premiar a lo mejor de la música nacional e internacional.

En esta tercera edición del premio Telehit, se entregarán reconocimientos  a lo más destacado de la industria musical en las siguientes categorías:

  • Canción del Año
  • Mejor Banda Alternativa
  • Mejor Álbum de Rock Nacional
  • Álbum Internacional del Año
  • Artista Revelación
  • Artista del Año
  • Artista Juvenil del Año
  • Video del Año
  • Canción del Público
  • Interprete del Año
  • Mejor Canta-Autor de Habla Hispana
  • Artista Pop del Año
  • Artista más Popular de Telehit

Con esta tercera premiación, Telehit celebra así un año más al aire de llevar a todos los hogares los ritmos más sonados del momento, las noticias más candentes de la industria musical y los secretos más reveladores de nuestros intérpretes favoritos.

Esta año el premio Telehit invita al público a elegir a través de Twitter, Facebook y por supuesto su página oficial a su artista favorito, además de brindarles la posibilidad de ganar viajes y boletos a la entrega del premio en Acapulco.

La tercera entrega estará llena de sorpresas y promete un excelente cartel de artistas que presentarán lo mejor de la música e interpretarán sus éxitos más sonados, que el público ha podido seguir por la señal de Telehit.



TELEHIT es una señal dirigida a gente joven que busca el entretenimiento y música de vanguardia. El canal transmite videos musicales en inglés y español, así como programas de entretenimiento frescos y atrevidos. La barra de programación conjunta reportajes, programas especiales, entrevistas, conciertos y noticias, convirtiéndose en un foro para descubrir nuevos talentos. Telehit tiene cobertura en México, América Latina, Estados Unidos y Europa.


TELEVISA NETWORKS es una subsidiaria del Grupo Televisa que se especializa en el diseño, producción, programación y distribución de 15 marcas propias y representadas para el mercado de TV de paga. Su cobertura llega a México, EE. UU., Latinoamérica, Canadá, Europa y Oceanía.


Telehit brings the best of the year in a single night of celebration that brings together performers, fans and drivers of the channel.

Juanes, Belinda, Moenia, Camila, Pitbull are some of the artists invited to the awards Telehit 2010

The next November 18, 2010, the third edition of Telehit meet in the beautiful port of Acapulco, where once again gather the most important musicians of national and international music in an event that will be broadcast live over 40 countries

Juanes, Belinda, Moenia, Camila, Pitbull, Train, Panda and Motel, among others, will flood the stage for this award with her biggest hits that have been placed in the public’s preference.

Guillermo del Bosque, executive producer of the event, explained that he is holding “has become an icon of the music industry, where we gather in a great event to the most representative players of the year to reward the best national and international music .

In this third edition of the award Telehit, awards will be handed to the highlights of the music industry in the following categories:

Song of the Year
Best Alternative Band
Best National Rock Album
International Album of the Year
Artist of the Year
Young Artist of the Year
Video of the Year
Song of the Public
Interpreter of the Year
Songwriter Spanish Speaking
Pop Artist of the Year
Most Popular Artist Telehit

With this third award, Telehit celebrates one year and carry air to every household rhythms today’s hottest, latest news in the music industry and revealing secrets of our favorite artists.

This year’s award Telehit invites the public to choose through Twitter, Facebook and of course his official website your favorite artist, besides offering the opportunity to win trips and tickets to the awards ceremony in Acapulco.

The third installment will be full of surprises and promises a great lineup of artists who will present the best music and perform their most outstanding successes that the public has been able to follow the signal Telehit.



TELEHIT is a signal to young people looking for entertainment and contemporary music. The station airs music videos in English and Spanish as well as entertainment programs fresh and daring. The bar joint programming features, special programs, interviews, concerts and news, becoming a forum for discovering new talent. Telehit have coverage in Mexico, Latin America, the U.S. and Europe.

Chile satellite tv

Although the satellite Hispasat carries channels for South America most are inaccessible to us in Europe, due to the direction of the ‘Americas’ beam used. This channel ‘Tv Chile’ is beamed from another satellite at Norway!!

The channel is receivable here in the Uk and can be combined with the other Spanish channels from Astra on a single dish

Chile tv here in the Uk
Chile tv here in the Uk

see Chile Page of main site

Spanish and …..

Having met some amazing couples on my travels installing satellites, I am aware that  not everyone wants just Spanish channels. I have been asked for Greek and Spainish, French and Spanish, German and Spanish, Dutch and Spanish….. and the list grows every day.

If you would like a quote for satellite tv from 2 countries, I am always happy to come up with new solutions.

Dont forget too, that Uk channels can be combined with Spanish on a  single dish, you dont have to have 2 dishes ( ** except Hispasat , if you want Valencia tv **)

TVE News :- Astra 1 to stop TVEi broadcasts

It has at last been announced that TVE will cease its broadcasts from Astra1 satellite from 30th June 2010.

To continue watching TVEi it will be necessary to add an extra LNB to your dish and a switch to select between the 2 satellites, the receiver will need reprogramming to operate the switch correctly.

Since TVE first announced their policy to only broadcast from Hotbird, we have been offering new Spanish satellite customers our ‘Spain2’ system. If your system was installed before this, or you would like to modify your dish and receiver please email me ( info@satellitetveurope ) for a quote.

Pictures freezing or breaking up

I am often asked what could be at fault, my pictures sometimes freeze up or break up, can I repair it myself?

Well, if you have some replacement equipment, it is just a case of elimination. The greatest tool a professional would have is a meter, to monitor the dish signal. But without one, there are a number of  simple checks you can do, and it may save you  replacing expensive equipment.

The faults that occur include

Cable deterioration
LNB failing
Receiver off tune
Receiver tuner failing
Dish needing alignment.
Any of which will cause the symptoms above, if your installation is old, the cable is quite likely and not too costly to replace. The LNB is a complex piece of electronics and is outside in the heat of summer and the extreme cold of winter and of course the arch enemy of all electronics – water, may have penetrated the case or the cable. It would certainly be cheaper to replace the LNB at around £10, than to first try the reciever! The Technomate TM-1 is a good general purpose replacement for most LNBs.
As a first step , reboot and retune the receiver and monitor the pictures for a while, have the break ups stopped?
Dont forget of course the connections to all these items and especially the outside ones. Checking the alignment of the dish is easy with a meter, but a quick check using the signal display from the receiver is all that is needed to check alignment. Simply press gently with a finger first on the top edge of the dish, then the bottom, the west side and last the east side all whilst someone watches the display. A correctly aligned dish will show a dip in level as you push the dish off line in each direction. If the signal rises in any direction, it is in need of adjustment slightly in that direction, be careful not to overdo it, there are a lot of satellites close together, it is very easy, to stray into the path of the next one along.
Having eliminated the cable, LNB, alignment and connections the receiver may be at fault, they are not repairable cheaply, replacement is the only cost effective solution. A common problem is capacitors in the power supply unit and although this may be easy to spot, as some capacitors  ‘dome’ up making it obvious what has failed, but  if the power unit has one failing capacitor bear in mind that all the capacitors are the same age and subject to the same conditions so just replacing one capacitor may not be enough. For the free channels the Manhattan XT range of receivers is a good replacement for your old receiver.

What Else??

Several of our readers have asked, what else can I see when I purchase a satellite system to receive Spain?

Several other European countries can be received, using the same satellite gear. Spain can be combined on a single dish with several others, the easiest to tune in would be Germany, France or a few channels from Poland. So a Spanish setup on 19 degrees , could also receive these 3 countries.

With the addition of an extra LNB adaptor and Diseqc switch, many more channels become available, Italy for example broadcasts over 350 channels free, with football being shown occasionally too! On the same satellite there are many more Polish, Arab and Middle Eastern channels without encryption.

To see what is available in addition to your Spanish channels , have a look at my Spain 2 Package on the main site

Digital + on your own receiver

Good news for satellite enthusiasts, wanting spanish Digital plus services….

Since the last generation of cards, the fact that the Digital plus card was matched with the receiving equipment, so like Sky Uk it has meant that you cannot use the card in a different receiver.


You can now buy a matching D+ card and CAM , to fit into your existing (providing its a CI type ) receiver. So when you elect to go for D+ you dont have to put up with an inferior box without all the fancy features you paid for when buying your top notch multisatellite receiver. Email me ( for details of the supplier

TVE note for Sky+ users

Just another little gripe from all you Sky subscribers, TVE international can now be tuned in but its not appearing on the EPG, only on ‘other channels’ so Sky+ users cannot use their built in record function to make recordings, instead they are having to dig out the video from the cupboard and connect it back up.

First its on then its off then back on again, c’mon sky get your act together, all these people have paid for TVEi….

TVE problem solved – Manhattan receivers

Anyone with a Manhattan receiver on Astra 1  unable to get TVE international, there is now an update for the receiver software to overcome this problem. It has been noticed on the latest batches of the new receivers ( black case) . Check yours out, if you have difficulty downloading TVE , yet you are getting all the other channels on transponder 24 ( frequency 11568 vert ), contact me for the s/w update

TVE international gone from Sky

SKY channel 975 TVE international stopped broadcasting last week, good old reliable Sky…… NOT. Well the solution is easy. We supply and fit full satellite systems which not only get TVE FREE but also many other FREE Spanish channels

channels from Hispasat and Astra Satellites
channels from Hispasat and Astra Satellites

This fantastic line up is all Free from the Hispasat and Astra  satellites NOW

Ring 07756 482 669 or go to to order

Childrens Channels

I’ve been asked if there are any channels specifically for children , from the spanish broadcasters. Amongst the paid channels , there are all the usual cartoon network etc but in the free channels there are programmes for children but not channels exclusively. Unfortunately the spanish “Digital plus” network requires both the card AND the set top box to work, the 12 month packages on the net are well over £1000!

Spanish HD on Satellite

My thanks to Rosario for raising this, I am looking into HD receivers for most of the European countries, as yet there really arent enough channels on HD ( much like our own FreeSat ) to make it good value for money.

The picture quality is great and the improvement over SD (standard definition) especially on a very large LCD or Plasma tv is outstanding.

At the moment there are no free channels in HD from Spain, only the Digital+ & Canal + spain,  ones which are encrypted in various formats – NagraVision 3 and videoguard – and which require a dedicated receiver ( again like our Uk sky) where the viewing card is matched with the receiver by the broadcaster.

Some cards may be available with set top boxes but usually at extortionate rates in this country. To go through official channels to obtain one you must have a spanish address.

Satellite Picture Quality

I’ve been asked several times if the quality of the pictures received by our systems is good.

Very Easy, its absolutely excellent, as good as our BBC  and ITV pictures and sound here in the Uk, Tv Canaria and TVE which I check from time to time give very good reception all the time, despite the signal having travelled out to space and back there are no more picture break ups than our Uk terrestrial tv

Spanish Satellite Channels in the Uk

Hola Welcome to

Spanish Channels

June 2018 :

This Spanish Channels post is now updated, since the advent of TDT – the main channels shown below ARE available and at no monthly cost – see TDT page.

TDT manufacture is now all HD, the older SD (standard defn) is no longer made.

For anyone from Spain but living in the Uk, here is a satellite service for you. All your favourite tv spanish channels delivered via satellite. Our service is called Satellite Tv Europe our website is  . We install dishes and digital receivers compatible with all the main Spanish broadcasting services.

The main channels, TVE1, TVE2, Antena3 cuatro Telecinco, La Sexta etc. free in Spain, are not free via satellite and require a subscription to Canal Plus


You can subscribe directly to Canal+ ( formerly  Digital Plus) ONLY if you have an address in Spain and pay via a Spanish bank account, then all the Canal Plus packages are available to you …. see Plus website.   Alternately you can purchase a Canal Plus Card. It is paid in advance ( 18months) it has the same  channels and is available from several european dealers. It is fairly expensive though at 1200Euro for the 18 month period , even for the cheapest card.

Free to Air Spanish Channels

There are still a few Spanish channels broadcast FTA ( free to air ) the main ones are listed fully on our Spanish page

We can install ,anywhere in the Uk, just send your requirements and location for a quotation.

Question: I already have Sky, can I also have Spanish TV Channels?

You need a separate receiver as the Sky box is disabled from using multi satellite and unable to cope with the different data rates ( symbol rates ) of the Spanish broadcasts. The dish for Canal plus needs to be at least 65cm to avoid picture freezing, but to avoid having 2 dishes it is possible to combine Sky and Canal Plus on one dish. ( NOT possible with the new TDT satellite as it is too far west )


Combining Spanish with Uk, French and German


For those wanting both Sky and spanish, German French and Italian broadcasts , there is the Force Multi dish. This new wide angle dish is superb for giving hundreds of free channels from all over Europe and some from the middle east

Note this is only for the Astra 1 spanish channels  – Hispasat is too far west to combine the signals on one dish. For Hispasat and Uk channels you will need 2 dishes but at least the Uk dish will only be a small one.

If you have need for other language broadcasts then a motorised satellite dish is the answer, the ultimate in sheer numbers of channels receivable, a motor system can log in some 5000 channels when installed, of which over half are viewable free ( FTA free to air ) and the others require various subscription cards to view.

To checkout the prices and to order go to the Spanish Channels page and click the quote me button on any package of interest.

Students of language , Colleges and schools can make use of these services too , we install multi room setups in a number of different formats to suit all needs.

Receivers – our main receivers are from the popular Technomate range, both SD and HD models which have proved themselves very capable in fixed dish and motorised dish installations, the remote can be operated in two modes FAVourites or SATellite mode. In favourite mode, a user may save a list of favourite channels under his own name eg. Andys Fav. other users may have their own lists. In Satellite mode, the user simply selects the satellite with left/right keys , and channel with the Up /down keys. The receiver will take most major  subscriptions cards without an additional CAM unit.


Our installer Andrew, always spends some time after installation to make sure the customer is familiar enough with the equipment. You will then be able to navigate to the desired channel and can operate it with any existing equipment like a Sky box, Tv, video or disc recorders and Hi Fi.

quote me

For a Quote to install Spanish channels watch this help with coordinates, then click the Quote Me button