The Movistar subscription service is only available in Spain, however the official package is possible here, with certain restrictions.
There are 2 ways to achieve this,
- with a prepaid 18month card and suitable receiver
- with a monthly subscription official Canal+ receiver (must have Spanish bank account )
The prepaid card is fine, technically and is available in 4 different packages ( sport , movies, family etc. ) but is very expensive.
Prepaid Card Packages :
Familiar I Plus HD
Familiar & Cinema I Plus HD
Familiar Deportes I Plus HD
Familiar & Toros I Plus HD
Familiar & Todo el Fútbol I Plus HD
Familiar & Deportes Total I Plus HD
Some of the functions of the Canal+ box need internet connection, this is not possible in the UK
For a quote for the above services, please use the quote form on
For help with the map coordinates, watch the help video first. This is essential to ensure that reception is possible, before agreeing to go ahead, since once the contracts have been completed, you are committed to 2 years minimum.